Paris or Broke

Friday, November 11, 2005

picture gallery - early travels in France and Germany

We travelled south along the Mosel River Valley from Germany into Luxembourg and then France. This is the town square of Cochem, one of many beautiful villages which are dotted along the banks of the Mosel River, which was once a very important trade route in Europe. Mosel produces some of best white wine in the world, largely Reislings. Again, we were extremely lucky and got unseasonably warm and sunny weather for our long weekend jaunt down the Mosel.

Sorry, this one is sideways, and I can't seem to correct or delete it without deleting everything else! One little kink in the Blog thing.

Anyway, this is in the town of Blois when Mike was here seule. He drove about 2 hours south of Paris and made it to the Loire Valley, famous for its Chateaus. I described this huge dragon to some of you and you all thought I was good and drunk - so this picture is for you, Betty, Laurie, David, Phil, Shelly, Craig.

aack, this one is sideways too -- sorry. This is also in the Mosel Valley. Many Germanic villages with timbered buildings. Charming.

Well, this one deserves to be sideways. Here we are a restaurant in Cochem, having or about to have a Federweiser (I think), which is an autumnal traditional drink which is made either of apples or grapes and is cloudy, like Hefeweizen beer. Its yummy.


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